Wednesday, January 19, 2011

super duper US :)

ohooo aha eyehh uhuhh xD yeap ktorg knl baru 6 months but dah macam 6 years :) yeap kitorang buat blog ni juts to have fun, story the mory about life now and everything yang best xD still new here. so yeahh. We are bestfriend. oh yes we are? tak suka? apadahalll. bajet kesah ehh? ahha now ktorg asik 24/7. damnnn, hahahah. tak bosan langsung. ada je nak buat ktorg ni. dah macam adik beradikk. ktorg jenis keriauuu so yeahh sape tak suka, like i said just noww, "APADAAHAAALLLL?" hahaha. f ada mood, ktorg crite lah ape yang patut. takde mood, so ktorg akan merepek macam joyahh. xD sorry, we are just cool enough for yahhh :))

Tuesday, January 18, 2011



Wtf? sumpah bosan dah lah ramai org..byak rempit pulak tu hmmphh ..FAKTAB -.- budak-budak cam apeje kat situu..kayy macam cibai TQ.

wee love catering ":) time catering cam best gila ohh ..and like masak3 ...dan sunnguh myeronokkan :)ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sumpah tak tahu nak tulis apa -.- bodoh gilaaa :) pape pun kalau kteorg ada mood kteorg crita apa yg jadi n everything kay CHOW chin THE chow:)<3 bye